Face of the new dandyism, creator of an extremely masculine fashion though also contradictorily feminine, going against the current trends, Franck Boclet claims for more sensuality, focusing on details and volume, precision and perfect cuts.
“I’ve decided to create a fragrance collection in addition to the dress collection: four scents for four clothes codes. A man needs a scent matching his mood and appearance. There are always four color codes, four seasons and that’s why I offer four scents. I admire strong scents, which I use to commemorate important life events. At first I’ve chosen Patchouli, the note I adore for so long, as the heart note for one of the scents. Then I thought about Oud—this unusual, strong, harsh and addictive note. Incense became the third; this is a more delicate aroma that displays discreetly its temper. And finally, the fourth scent is Leather because I like using leather for my wear and accessories collections. In order to develop and underline the beauty of each main accord we have precisely worked every scent with Fleuressence’s perfumer Melanie Leroux from Grass. My long-time friend Ludovic Perrin and his company Fragrance et Emotions, famous for its brands—John Mac Steed, Paparazzi, Eden Park and Patricia Kaas, is occupied with distribution and manufacturing.”—Franck Boclet