The sculptural art of Matteo Cecchinato and Satyam
From 07.03.2019 to 31.05.2019 the sculptural art of two contemporary Venetian sculptors is on display at the Spazio Lazzari in Treviso. The personal exhibition “Presenze” (“Presences”) collects some works by Matteo Cecchinato. “Oltre il Tempo”(“Beyond the Time”) instead exhibits some sculptures by the Treviso artist Satyam.
“Presenze” – The sculptural art of Matteo Cecchinato
The wooden sculptures of the Spirits series by Matteo Cecchinato testify to a long work of formal and chromatic research by the artist. Inspired by nature, the sculptor tries to reflect its balance and changes in his works. The static presence of the sculptures, as well as the natural elements, is only apparent.
Born in Padua in 1975, Matteo Cecchinato, after classical studies, enrolled in the Faculty of Engineering. In the meantime he cultivated an interest in painting, graphics and photography. Over the years he focuses more and more on the theme of the urban landscape. It passes from figurative art gradually to an informal one, until veering towards sculpture. He boasts several collaborations with Italian art galleries and participation in various collective and personal exhibitions in Italy and abroad.
“Beyond Time” – The simple objects by Satyam
Satyam’s sculptures are shrouded in an aura of mystery and wonder. The gold color is, even at first glance, one of the dominant details in many of his works. In “Oltre il Tempo” the sculptures express a close relationship with materiality, with chance and with the unknown. The compositions exhibited here merge aspects of Nature with forgotten or found objects by chance. Form and content, in the sculptural art of Satyam, become one.
Satyam began painting at 14 but his travels to India gave a turning point to his artistic talent. In 1980 he met the spiritual master Osho who gave him the Sanskrit name “Satyam” which means “truth”. It is not an absolute truth but a momentary, individual truth, something simple and authentic. His sculptural compositions become increasingly elaborate, the result of the encounter between elements of nature and everyday objects.