Bestiario Trascendentale – Silvio Merlino + Tobia Ravà
Silvio Merlino
In his works Silvio Merlino reproduces nature almost as if it were “dead”, adding feathers, cut and sculpted feathers, teeth, hair and various materials. The animals painted and built by Merlin seem embalmed, shrouded in an unfathomable mystery. Silvio Merlino, of Neapolitan origins but who moved to Treviso in the 1980s, has exhibited throughout Europe. Furthermore, his works are present at the Dallas Museum of Art, at the Museo de Bellas Artes in Bilbao, at the Museo del Novecento in Milan, at the Epicentro Museum in Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (ME), at the Pinacoteca of Bari and in the collection of Lucio Amelio Terrae Motus, GNAM, Naples.
Tobia Ravà
Tobia Ravà is an Italian artist of Jewish culture. In his works he applies the study of gematria, that theological discipline that assigns numbers to letters. Added together, they give rise to figures attributed to the written words of the Hebrew language. Words or phrases with the same numerical value are considered to be related to each other in meaning. At the basis of Ravà’s art there is therefore the semantic correspondence between the sculpted subject and the numbers engraved on its surface.
Ravà lives and works in Venice. Having graduated from the International School of Graphics in Venice and Urbino, he then graduated in Semiology of the Arts in Bologna. His works are exhibited both in Italy and abroad.
Bestiario Trascendentale – opening: September 21st 2012, 6 P.M.
Curated by: Francesco Stefanini
Paintings: Silvio Merlino
Sculpture: Tobia Ravà
Bestiario Trascendentale – inaugurazione: Venerdì 21 Settembre, ore 18
A cura di: Francesco Stefanini
Dipinti: Silvio Merlino
Sculture: Tobia Ravà