Impressionism Treviso: “Le storie dell’Impressionismo” Until 1 st May 2017

This year Marco Goldin, the founder of Linea D’ombra , to celebrate the twentieth anniversary decided to present in Treviso a great Impressionism Treviso exhibition called “Le Storie dell’Impressionismo”. In the Museo di Santa Caterina in Treviso this event is one of the top things to do in Treviso if you are visiting Treviso during this period, you can find not only a single story of the Impressionism but multiple points of view of Impressionism, infact the exhibition is divided in 6 parts:

  • Lo sguardo e il silenzio with the portrait from Ingres to Degas to Gauguin;


861 circa olio su tela, cm 115 x 72

  • Figure sotto il cielo from Millet to Renoir;

Claude Monet, La casa dell'artista ad Argenteuil, 1873 Vincent van Gogh, Cipressi con due figure, 1889










  • La posa delle cose with the still life of Manet and Cézanne;

Claude Monet, Vaso di papaveri, 1883 Henri Fantin-Latour, Natura morta (primule, pere e melograni), 1866










  • Il nuovo desiderio di natura with the landscape from Corot to Van Gogh;

Alfred Sisley, La Senna a Billancourt, 1879 Claude Monet, La Senna a Rouen, 1873








  • L’impressionismo in pericolo with the evolution of Monet

Claude Monet, Passeggiata sulla scogliera a Pourville, 1882 Claude Monet, Covoni, effetto di neve, 1891








  • Come cambia il mondo the extreme years of Monet and Cézanne

M_monet_1869_960 M_cezanne_908









All this great journey that we would call “Impressionism Treviso” is created with 140 works, most of them loaned from some American museum such as the Art Institue of Chicago. You can get all the information about Impressionism Treviso esxhibitions and more like opening hours, tickets… at this link of the official organization Linea D’Ombra , last but not the least we would like to let you know that there’s the possibilities to have one of the most amazing experience: having a guide tour to the Impressionism Treviso exhibition and after having a dinner in the museum in the middle of all these great art works. If you love art and art exhibitions, don’t forget Impressionism Treviso event, one of the most important art exhibition of the year in Italy, and have a nice, unforgettable artistic tour in this historical artistic Italian city.